When you call us for an appointment, we need to make sure that certain conditions exist in order for us to perform a notarization.
Document Requirements
Please have a valid IDENTIFICATION, like a driver’s license (from any U.S. state, Canadian Province, or Mexican state), state identification (from any U.S. State) , U.S. Passport, or Foreign Passport (which has been stamped by U.S. Customs or the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security only). The Mexican Consular Matricula Card is not an acceptable identification in California for purposes of being notarized. An identification that is expired can be used only if it was issued within the last 5 years.
Identification Requirements
If you do not have a valid identification, then you can bring 2 people with you to the appointment who know you who can act as Credible Witnesses. Each of these persons must have a valid identification (unexpired ID or issued within the last 5 years) as mentioned above. Each witness must not have a financial interest in the documents being signed, and each witness must not be named in the documents being signed.
Acceptable identification includes Driver Licenses from any U.S. State, Canada, and Mexico, issued within the past 5 years.
About Blank Documents
Please also be advised that I do not notarize blank documents. All documents that you present to me must have all applicable blanks filled in (this is to prevent fraud or other problems that may arise later).
Signing Your Documents
It is recommended that you do not sign your documents until you are in front of the Notary Public and the Notary asks you to sign the document. However, you may (and should) complete all other sections of your paperwork before you meet with the Notary. Note: for jurats or affidavits, please do not sign the documents in advance, because the notary must actually witness you sign the document.
We Cannot And Do Not Provide Legal Advice
I cannot give legal advice. Please consult with an Attorney or qualified professional if you have any questions about the content of your documents prior to making an appointment with me. If you need ongoing legal assistance, I can refer you to an affordable, low-cost Legal Service Plan from which you can get ongoing legal advice from real California attorneys for as little as $28 per month (on a month-month basis, cancelable at any time). I can also refer you to Attorneys who will prepare or answer questions about Estate Planning Documents.
Notaries in California are authorized to notarize documents by performing an Acknowledgment, Jurat, or Oath. You can download the California All-Purpose Acknowledgment Form here, or the California Jurat Form here. There is not a prescribed general form for an Oath.
Common Documents Which Are Typically Notarized
Common documents that we typically notarize include:
- Deeds – Grant Deeds, Quitclaim Deeds, Deed of Trust, and more
- Trusts
- Power of Attorney – Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, Durable Power of Attorney for Asset Management, General Power of Attorney, Limited Power of Attorney, and more
- Photocopies of Passports, Driver Licenses, or Diplomas, and any other document ex- cept for certain documents which are prohibited for Notaries to notarize (like copies of Vital Records, or any other copies which are obtainable as Certified Copies by the local, State or Federal governments).
- Contracts
- Assignments
- Agreements
- Court Documents – Answers, Pleas, and more
- Application for Birth, Marriage or Death Certificate By Mail- (Statement of Identity)
- Authorization to Release Vehicle
- DMV Forms – certain forms from the California Department of Motor Vehicles which require notarization
- Release and Waiver Forms- required for applicants to the Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department
For any of the forms that we mentioned, offer Apostille Services and Public Document Authentication Services, for documents that will be used in another country.
Thank you for reading this, and thank you for choosing Hollywood Notary.Net!
David L. Ransom, Jr., Notary Public and Owner, Hollywood Notary Dot Net (323)393-5822.
We are located at 1650 Virginia Road, Los Angeles, California 90019 Phone (323)393-5822. Se habla Español. Call Jaime (323)523-7430. By appointment only, but appointments are easy to get- call now!
Email: hollywoodnotary@gmail.com